St. Mary's Catholic Primary School has an active and supportive Governing Body. The members of the Governing Body for 2022/2023 are listed below. If you have any questions for or about the Governing Body, please contact Mrs Wilson in the School Office.

Chairperson/Foundation Governor

Mrs Kath Smith 

Deputy Chair/Foundation Governor

Mr Matthew Simpson

Foundation Governors

Mrs Anne St. John 

Mr Andrew Jenner

Mrs Kinga Gray-Grzeczynska 

Mrs Margaret Rogerson 

Mrs Sarah Nightingale

LEA Governor

Mrs Nicola Chester 

Parent Governors

Mr Michael Gallery 

Mrs Kirsty Nightingale

Staff Governor

Mr Miles Cahalin 


Mr Patrick Smyth

Clerk to the Governors

Mrs Jeanette Metcalfe


Mrs Jessica Nicklin (Deputy Headteacher) & Mrs Jeni Wilson (School Business Manager)


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Updated: 16/12/2022 206 KB